Add the review badge to your website

Step 1:
Please first select a country and then a park
Step 2:
Select implementation method
Step 3:
Select a widget type
Step 4:
Select the preferred alignment
Alignment preview
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris malesuada lobortis porta. Nulla nec est eleifend, lobortis ligula eu, auctor elit. Nam at tempus quam, egestas sagittis enim. Curabitur libero orci, blandit sed viverra luctus, dapibus ac erat. Vestibulum condimentum nulla ligula, sed malesuada ligula venenatis sed.

In sit amet arcu luctus, scelerisque elit at, posuere mauris. Nam interdum risus non consectetur pretium. Nullam ut elit ut massa viverra semper. Proin in odio urna. Praesent at justo eget arcu luctus mollis a ut orci. Duis sed dolor at est convallis convallis.
Nam lacinia pellentesque diam in pretium. Morbi eu malesuada risus. Duis eget vehicula ligula. Aliquam tincidunt aliquam nisl. Praesent adipiscing magna vel nisi rutrum, vitae ultricies metus tristique. Quisque vestibulum congue elit sed tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin ut velit accumsan, malesuada metus vitae, aliquet mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu elementum erat, non pharetra massa.
Step 4:
Add the image to your web page(s)

Important! The image should always be loaded from our server, not yours
The image we provide is dynamically generated. This means we will automatically update the image every time you receive a new review. This only works if the image is loaded from our servers. If you copy or download the image to then upload it to your website, it becomes static and will no longer update.

  • Don't copy or download the image in order to add it to your website
  • Don't upload the image to the 'images' directory of your website (or any other directory)
  • Don't upload the image to the media or image library of your website management system
  • Don't make a screenshot of the image in order to add it to your website

  • Follow the implementation instructions below (option A or B)
Option A: add the image using a website management system (e.g. Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.) It is important you use the image URL as listed below when adding the image. You should not upload the image to the media or image library of your website management system. See red box above to learn why.

When adding the image, please use these settings:
Image URL:
(Please note, we use the Amazon AWS content delivery network to ensure optimal download speed all around the world.)
Image title and/or (ALT) description: Reviews about Masai Mara National Reserve
Link the image to: https://www.safaribookings.commasai-mara
Option B: add the image directly to the HTML code of your web page
Copy the HTML code below and paste it into the HTML code of the page(s) where you want the image to appear.
When someone clicks the image, the link should:
(Please note, we use the Amazon AWS content delivery network to ensure optimal download speed all around the world.)
Step 5:
Add the widget code to your web page(s)
A. Include the JavaScript on your page(s) once, it can be placed anywhere within the HTML code, but ideally in the section or right ABOVE the closing tag.
B. Place the code for the rating widget in the HTML code of your page(s) where you want the badge to appear.
Need help?
  • Don't have basic HTML knowlegde? Please ask your web designer to implement the badge for you.
  • Do have basic HTML knowlegde and have an issue with implementing the badge? Email us at