Photos, images & pictures of Malawi

African elephants drinking in the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

African elephants with young in Liwonde National Park

Male nyala in Lengwe National Park

Impalas running in Kasungu National Park

Beach in Lake Malawi National Park in Cape Maclear

Tour boat at sunset on Lake Malawi in Cape Maclear

Vehicle at Jawali Rock in Nyika National Park

Tea plantations at the base of Mt Mulanje in Mt Mulanje

Traditional dhow on Lake Malawi at sunset in Lake Malawi

Wild dog in Kasungu National Park

African elephant with cattle egret in Liwonde National Park

Dugout canoes lying on the beach of Lake Malawi in Nkhata Bay

Satemwa Tea Estate at Thyolo Forest Reserve in Mt Mulanje

Aerial view of Tongole Wilderness Lodge set in thick bush on the bank of the Bua River in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve

Elephants at Lake Kazuni in Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve

Lujeri Tea Estate at the base of the mountain in Mt Mulanje

Waterfall on the Bua River in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve

Rugged scenery in Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve

Mountain peak in Mt Mulanje

Sunrise over the bush in Majete Wildlife Reserve

Common waterbuck in Liwonde National Park

Borassus palms along the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

Elephant herd drinking at the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

Beach at sunrise in Lake Malawi

Hippo in the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

Nile crocodile on the banks of the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

Sunbathing on the beach in Lake Malawi

Kayaking on Lake Malawi in Lake Malawi

Hippo pod in the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

Wood-carving store in Nkhata Bay

Bateleur eagles sitting in a tree in Majete Wildlife Reserve

Elephant close-up in Majete Wildlife Reserve

Bushbuck on the bank of the river in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve

Young male nyala in Lengwe National Park

Herd of roan antelopes on green grass in Nyika National Park

Bushbuck in Nyika National Park

Roan antelope running in Nyika National Park

Elephant in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve

Ancient rock paintings at Mphunzi Mountain in Dedza

Beach at Cape Maclear (Chembe) in Lake Malawi