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Arrival (See Getting There for more details)

Arrival (See Getting There for more details)

  • You'll be collected from the airport.
  • Accommodation before the tour starts can be arranged for an extra cost.

Day 1

Airport to Nairobi

Airport to Nairobi

A representative of African Sunset Safaris will be at Jomo Kenyatta airport to pick you up from your flight. Depending on your arrival time you can visit some of Kenya's craft markets where you can browse the pottery, carvings, batik, weaving, sculpture, musical instruments, leather, and fabrics for sale. Prepare to haggle! All activities today are at your own cost. You will spend the night in the tranquility of Panafric Hotel; ideally located on the outskirts of Nairobi. The rooms have an en-suite bathroom and overlook the tropical gardens. There is a swimming pool to refresh yourself.

Main Destination:
Nairobi (City, Kenya)
Nairobi Serena Hotel
  • Luxury hotelin Nairobi (City, Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 2

Nairobi to Lake Nakuru

Nairobi to Lake Nakuru

You will be picked up from your Nairobi hotel early in the morning and then depart for Nairobi; driving through the Great Rift Valley. You will arrive with time for an exciting game drive heading to check-in at Lake Elmenteita Serena Camp and enjoy lunch. After lunch, you will head out for another game drive across the Pink Lake referred to due to the great masses of majestic pink flamingos that surround the shores. You will also have the chance to view the famous white Rhino and black rhino found in this park.
Flamingo Greater and Lesser and other water birds including a variety of terrestrial birds numbering about 450 species in total.
Mammals: 56 different species including white rhinos, waterbuck, etc.
View-points: Lion hill, Baboon cliff, and Out of Africa
Hills: Enasoit, Honeymoon, Lion hill ridge, etc
Waterfalls: Makalia.
Unique vegetation: About 550 different plant species including the unique and biggest euphorbia forest in Africa.

Main Destination:
Lake Nakuru National Park (Kenya)
Best Time To Visit June to February (Best for wildlife viewing; little rain)
High Season July to February (The park gets very busy)
Best Weather June to February (Little rainfall)

Wildlife in Lake Nakuru NP

Black RhinoOccasional
Show more
WildebeestVery Rare
Lake Elmenteita Serena Camp
  • Luxury tented camp located less than 1hr drive from Lake Nakuru NP (Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 3

Lake nakuru to maasai mara

Lake nakuru to maasai mara

After early morning breakfast, you will check out and leave Lake Nakuru for Maasai Mara. You will pass through Narok Town, a famous Maasai town as you make your way to Maasai Mara. You will arrive in time to check in at Sarova Mara Game Camp and have lunch. After lunch, you will take off game drive through the park in search of lion, cheetah, elephant, buffalo, and other members of the “Big Five”, plus other animals. Later in the evening, you will return to camp for dinner and your overnight stay. The Masai Mara is regarded as the jewel of Kenya’s wildlife viewing areas. The annual wildebeest migration alone involves over 1.5 million animals arriving in July and departing in November.
There have been some 95 species of mammals, amphibians, and reptiles and over 400 birds species recorded on the reserve.
Nowhere in Africa is wildlife more abundant, and it is for this reason a visitor hardly misses to see the big five (buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion, and rhino).

Main Destination:
Masai Mara National Reserve (Kenya)
Best Time To Visit June to October (For general wildlife viewing) and August to October (For wildebeest migration)
High Season June to October and December to March
Best Weather June to October (Sunny, but not too hot)

Wildlife in Masai Mara NR

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Wild DogVery Rare
Mara Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located inside Masai Mara NR (Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 4

Explore mara, full day game drive

Explore mara, full day game drive

Full-day game drives depart at 7.00 am, with your 4×4 fully equipped to cross the Mara plains in search of game. At 1800 meters above sea level it can get cold before the sun rises fully, so we provide blankets and hot water bottles to keep you warm.

By midday, it can become very hot indeed and sun-block lotion and hats are advised. Lunch is served under the shade of an Acacia tree or overlooking the snorting hippos which wallow in the Mara River.

As the afternoon draws to a close and the temperature cools, the shadows lengthen and the Bush changes once more. Evening sightings of rhinos are not uncommon on the way back to camp. Even a bad day is a good day in the Mara since undoubtedly you will have encountered vistas, flora, and fauna new to you. Each can be revisited in the memory as you sink into your welcoming hot tub back at your tent.

A full day on safari
Lunch in the heart of the Masai Mara
Return for a soak in your hot tub.

Main Destination:
Masai Mara National Reserve (Kenya)
Mara Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located inside Masai Mara NR (Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 5

Morning and evening game drive experiences

Morning and evening game drive experiences

If you start first thing in the morning, you are likely to find the Mara at its most active. With the sun rising at around 6.00 am, this means an early start to your day. The reward is likely to be the sight of predators who avoid the heat: additional attractions include subtle light on the landscape and the joyous sounds of awakening birds, you return for a hearty breakfast at the camp after 9.00 am.

At around 4.30 pm, we like to explore our own Conservancy, as the cooling temperature brings out the predators. Lion-kills are often fought over by packs of hyenas, jackals, and other scavengers. Yet these life and death scenes are juxtaposed with the impossible beauties of the African sunset, as nature’s ever-changing palette streaks the sky with orange, red, and gold.

Anticipating sunset, your guide will have stopped to prepare sundowners, with a wide choice of drinks. Clasp your favorite, ease back in your chair, and watch light shift to dark, heat gives way to the chill.

Main Destination:
Masai Mara National Reserve (Kenya)
Mara Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located inside Masai Mara NR (Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 6

Mara to serengeti

Mara to serengeti

Transfer after your morning breakfast to Serengeti National Park. This will take up to 8 hours of driving through rough roads. Serengeti National Park is easily Tanzania’s most famous national park, and it’s also the largest, at 14,763 square kilometers of protected area that borders Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Park. Its far-reaching plains of endless grass, tinged with the twisted shadows of acacia trees, have made it the quintessential image of a wild and untarnished Africa. Its large stone kopjes are home to rich ecosystems and the sheer magnitude and scale of life that the plains support is staggering. Enjoy your en-route game drive at Serengeti National Park. Full board accommodation is included in the tour price.

Main Destination:
Serengeti National Park (Tanzania)
Best Time To Visit January to February and June to October (Different areas are best at different times)
High Season July to March (The Seronera area is crowded)
Best Weather June to October (Little to no rainfall)

Wildlife in Serengeti NP

Show more
Black RhinoVery Rare
Wild DogVery Rare
Serengeti Wildebeest Camps
  • Mid-range tented camp located inside Serengeti NP (Tanzania)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 7

Explore serengeti

Explore serengeti

If you start first thing in the morning, you will find the Serengeti at its most active. This is when Africa can reveal its cool side, so you should wrap up warm, we aim to be on the road before the sun rises at around 6.00 am. Our pop-up 4 by 4 bring you as close as possible to the wildlife, just when the action is likely to be most exciting. Few predators hunt during the heat of the day, so the early morning is the best time to observe the thrill of the chase. It is also a magical time, with the subtle light dappling the landscape.

Heading into the bush for an evening game drive has a level of excitement and character all its own, as predators begin their nightly search for prey. As the day cools and the sky is streaked by red, gold, and orange hues, you may be surprised by the roar of a lion, a galloping giraffe, or the high-pitched giggling of hyenas fighting over a kill. At a suitable vantage point, your guide will pause, allowing you to enjoy a sundowner in blissful comfort.

Main Destination:
Serengeti National Park (Tanzania)
Serengeti Wildebeest Camps
  • Mid-range tented camp located inside Serengeti NP (Tanzania)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 8

Serengeti to ngorongoro

Serengeti to ngorongoro

Depart after your morning breakfast with your picnic lunch boxes via the Olduvai gorge where it is believed the cradle of mankind began. Thereafter transferred to Ngorongoro Crater which is often called ‘Africa’s Eden’ and the ‘8th Natural Wonder of the World, a visit to the crater is the main drawcard for tourists coming to Tanzania and a definite world-class attraction. Within the crater rim, large herds of zebra and wildebeest graze nearby while sleeping lions laze in the sun. At dawn, the endangered black rhino returns to the thick cover of the crater forests after grazing on dew-laden grass in the morning mist. Just outside the crater’s ridge, tall Masaai herds their cattle and goats over green pastures through the highland slopes, living alongside the wildlife as they have for centuries.

Main Destination:
Ngorongoro Crater (Tanzania)
Best Time To Visit June to October (Wildlife viewing is best)
High Season Most of the year – July to March (Expect crowds)
Best Weather June to October (Rainfall is little to none)

Wildlife in Ngorongoro Crater

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Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located on the crater rim of Ngorongoro Crater (Tanzania)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 9

Ngorongoro to lake manyara

Ngorongoro to lake manyara

Pick up at 8:30 AM from your hotel in Ngorongoro and depart for Lake Manyara National Park with a picnic lunch for a full day game drive. As you enter the national park, lush forests of Acacia and Mahogany trees begin to set the mood for what is waiting ahead. The game drive will go on till evening with a small break for picnic lunch. During the game, drive watch out for buffaloes, giraffes, impalas, baboons, and the blue monkeys. Another spectacle of Lake Manyara National park is the tree-climbing lions, however, spotting them is a game of luck. In the right season, you can see the shoreline turning pink with millions of flamingos flocking there. Post the game drive, you will head back to your camp/lodge where a delicious dinner awaits you.

Main Destination:
Lake Manyara National Park (Tanzania)
Best Time To Visit June to October (Easier to spot animals)
High Season July to March (The northern section gets crowded)
Best Weather June to October (Little rainfall)

Wildlife in Lake Manyara NP

Show more
Wild DogVery Rare
Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located on the escarpment above Lake Manyara NP (Tanzania)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 10

Lake manyara to tarangire then Arusha

Lake manyara to tarangire then Arusha

After breakfast, you will check out and depart for the Tarangire National Park. The park runs along the line of the Tarangire River and is mainly made up of low-lying hills on the Great Rift Valley floor. Its natural vegetation mainly consists of Acacia woodland and giant African Baobab trees, with huge swamp areas in the south. Both the river and the swamps act like a magnet for wild animals, during Tanzania’s dry season. The Tarangire National Park is known to contain some of the largest elephant herds in Africa. This park is also home to three rare species of animals – the Greater kudu, the Fringed-eared oryx, as well as a few Ashy starlings.

Main Destination:
Tarangire National Park (Tanzania)
Best Time To Visit July to November (Animals come to the Tarangire River)
High Season June to October (The park is full of visitors)
Best Weather June to October (Little rainfall)

Wildlife in Tarangire NP

Show more
Wild DogVery Rare
Arusha Serena Hotel
  • Luxury hotelnear Arusha (City, Tanzania)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 11

Arusha to Amboseli

Arusha to Amboseli

After breakfast, You will drive to the border of Tanzania and Kenya at Namanga. After your immigration clearance, you will drive towards the park with the view of Mt. Kilimanjaro in the backdrop, Amboseli National Park is famous for its big game - elephants, lions, and cheetahs are the main attractions - and for its great scenery beauty. Amboseli embodies five main wildlife habitats, plus a generally dry lake-bed - Lake Amboseli. These are open plains; extensive stands of yellow-barked acacia woodland; rocky, lava strewn thorn-bush country; swamps and marshes; and at the western end of the reserve, above Namanga, the massif of Ol Doinyo Orok rising to over 2,760m (8.300ft) and still for the most part zoologically unexplored.

Main Destination:
Amboseli National Park (Kenya)
Best Time To Visit June to October and January to February
High Season December to March and July to October (Busy)
Best Weather June to September and January to February (Little rainfall)

Wildlife in Amboseli NP

Show more
LeopardRare to None
Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located inside Amboseli NP (Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 12

Explore Amboseli

Explore Amboseli

You will have two game drives scheduled for this day. After breakfast you will take off for the morning game drive on the open flat plains; the ideal place to search for pride of lion, buffalo, cheetah, zebra, and wildebeest. The swamps are good places to catch the elephant as they bathe in the mud. There is a wealth and diversity of bird species to see as well. Ensure your camera has a liberal memory card since Africa has a few better blends of untamed life and landscape. The Royal Court of Kilimanjaro is best known for its views of Mt. Kilimanjaro and its expansive crowds of a free-wandering elephants. You can also visit Maasai Manyatta Village where you can take in more about Africa's most renowned tribal society. Later in the day, you will return to camp for dinner and your overnight stay.

Main Destination:
Amboseli National Park (Kenya)
Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
  • Luxury lodge located inside Amboseli NP (Kenya)
Meals & Drinks:
  • All meals included
  • All drinks (Except for spirits/liquor)

Day 13

Amboseli to hotel or Airport

Amboseli to hotel or Airport

You will rise enjoy and take off on an early morning game drive in the Amboseli National Park, followed by breakfast at the lodge. After breakfast, you will check-out and travel back to Nairobi, Upon arrival in Nairobi you will have lunch and then be taken to your hotel or Airport, which ends our safari services. The departure dates for all our safaris and tours are totally flexible according to your own personal needs. Please contact us for further and more detailed info.

Main Destination:
Nairobi (City, Kenya)
No accommodation (End of tour)
Meals & Drinks:
  • Breakfast (Lunch & dinner not included)
  • Drinking water & beer and wine (Other drinks not included)

End of tour (See Getting There for more details)

End of tour (See Getting There for more details)

  • Additional accommodation can be arranged for an extra cost.
  • You'll be dropped off at the airport.
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  • This tour is offered by African Sunset Safaris, not SafariBookings.
  • This operator reserves the right to change rates advertised on SafariBookings.
  • If you request changes to this tour, the advertised rates will likely change.
  • The exact order, contents and rates of this tour are subject to availability.
  • If an accommodation is fully booked, the operator will suggest a comparable alternative.
  • This tour is subject to the terms & conditions of African Sunset Safaris.