NGONI Safaris Uganda

5.0/5 – 148 Reviews

$1,760 to $1,980 pp (USD)

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NGONI Safaris Uganda

(148 Reviews)
Office In:
Uganda Uganda
10-20 employees (Founded in 2010)
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Tour Types:
Custom budget & mid-range tours that can start every day
Burundi BI
Congo (DRC) CD
Kenya KE
Rwanda RW
Tanzania TZ
Uganda UG
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Our Company Team.

We prioritize ourselves as leading sellers of adventure safaris and tours in Uganda and East Africa as a whole. Our adventure safaris give you a gateway to do Gorilla tracking in Uganda and Rwanda, Chimpanzee tracking, Wildlife viewing, Mountain hiking, White water rafting, Scenic viewing tours, birding watching, launch cruise,Sport fishing and photography. Our expert knowledge, experience and passion for our customers allow us to create personalized and luxurious adventure safaris.


Ngoni has our full recommendation for a safari in Uganda

Small travelogue Uganda January/February 2024
Almost punctually, it started on January 24th shortly after 11 a.m. at Nuremberg's Albrecht-Dürer Airport via Istanbul to Entebbe. Once there, we were welcomed by our two guides Elli and Joseph around 6 o'clock in the morning and first brought to the Seven Seasons Hotel to relax. In the afternoon the first trip to the botanical garden of Entebbe. It was founded in 1902 during the colonial period by the English and has a great variety of plants, shrubs and trees. We were also able to observe the first monkey species such as mantled monkeys and vervet monkeys.
The next day we started early in the morning to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. In this great park we were able to admire 13 rhinos while tracking with a local ranger. Simply indescribable this sight, we came up to about 20m to these magnificent animals. After a short night at the Bomah Hotel in Gulu, we went on to the Zebra Lodge in the Kidepo Valley National Park for 2 nights.
This park is located in the drier north of Uganda on the borders with Kenya and South Sudan. On the game drives we could see huge herds of buffalo, a lot of elephants, bumbas (warthogs), some giraffes and various impala species. This savannah landscape there is simply indescribably beautiful. A highlight was the visit to Idi Amin's former residence in the park of the Katurum Lodge.
After another night in the Bomah Hotel, due to the longer distance, we went to the Murchison Falls National Park. Here the Pakuba Safari Lodge was our accommodation for 2 days. This is located in the middle of the park with a small waterhole and a wonderful pool, which gave us the first slight sunburn. On our game drives we had a lot of animal sightings, saw our first lions in Uganda and as a highlight a leopard in its tree hideout. We ended the evening at the campfire with guitar music and singing by our new Canadian friends Beggi and Tom.
It can actually go on like this!! The next day, after the morning game drive and lunch at the lodge, we went to the Nile for a boat trip upstream to Murchison Falls. Along the Nile we could see buffalo, elephants, monitor lizards and also some large crocodiles in addition to many bird species. But the sight of the waterfall from below was already very impressive, but it should get even better.
The trip directly to the falls was not planned until the next day, but Elli, our guide, had a feeling and we arrived at the top of the waterfall after a short drive and a small footpath. The rushing and raging, the spray, the play of light until sunset, just awesome, fantastic and indescribably beautiful. An impression that will last forever!!
Early in the morning when we left the Pakuba Lodge, a herd of elephants stood almost directly in front of our room, which leisurely made its rounds through the grounds and our departure was delayed a bit. But we reached Kibale Forest Camp in time for lunch. In the afternoon we went on an excursion "country and people" incl . Medicine man, coffee roastery, basket weaving art and banana beer brewery. A must if you want to get to know the culture of these great people. In addition to the beer tasting, there was also a great home-distilled banana schnapps. The way back to the camp took a little longer!!
The next morning we set off for a wonderful walk in the forest before we went to the chimpanzee trekking in the Kibale National Park in the afternoon. After a few mud holes, wet shoes and dripping pants, there they were, the chimpanzees. Wonderful to be able to watch our closest relatives up close, unforgettable moments simply!!
On the 10th day of our round trip through Uganda, we continued across the equator into the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Here we were accommodated in the Buffalo Safari Lodge. During the game drives we could observe a lioness with her 4 cubs, but the absolute hammer was a bull elephant who visited us while bathing in the pool of the lodge and drank a few liters of water from the pool with his trunk. Again a highlight that you won't forget!!
The next day we went on a boat trip on the Kazinga Channel, which connects the Edouard with Lake George. Here, too, we were able to observe a lot of elephants, buffaloes, many bird species and hippos. Crocodiles only came in front of our lens this time. But such a boat trip is just awesome, simply recommendable!!
After 2 nights in the Buffalo Lodge, we went to the highlands, to the rainforest of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to the Rushaga Gorilla Camp. The temperature difference was really big, in the evening hot water bottles were put in bed so it was cozy and warm for us. After breakfast and a very short drive, the lodge is located about 300m away from the starting point of the gorilla trekking. We were greeted by a dance group and after a detailed briefing we started. In total, we were on the road for almost three and a half hours, uphill and downhill, through the thicket, over small streams and mud holes, but after about 80 minutes of extreme conditions we could see them. A mountain gorilla family, the silverback with about 14 family members, we were sometimes only about 2 meters next to these great creatures. Unfortunately, after 10 minutes it started to rain very heavily and the animals crawled under a large bush. Quickly threw on a ponch and followed the family. Overlooking the fact that the poncho is large up to the feet and thus a mud hole is taken upside down. After about 30 minutes of heavy rain, the gorillas came out of their hiding place again and we got some encore to take pictures during the normal hour of stay before we went back to the starting point. A small detour was necessary because our path crossed with an elephant. After handing over our gorilla certificate, we went back to Rushaga Camp to shower and change before we reviewed our experiences at the campfire in the evening. Day 14 of our trip came, we went to Lake Bunyonyi with tremendously heavy legs and sore muscles. There we were transferred by boat to a small island called Habuhdro Iceland. A wonderful gem to relax, here you could simply unwind with a good cool Nile beer. A dream of an island that could be circumnavigated on foot in just under 15 minutes. The next morning, after a good night's sleep, we took the boat back to civilization and on to Lake Mburo National Park. Here, too, we had a wonderful lodge with a view of the wide valley of the park, the Kigarama Wilderness Lodge. On our last game drive in the park we saw a lot of giraffes, buffaloes, antelopes and also some hippos. We were also able to leave our jeep and came within about 4 meters of the giraffes, which were watching us curiously. But unfortunately our adventure slowly came to an end the next day, we stayed at the Seven Seasons for a few hours and then drove to the airport the next morning at 3 a.m. where we took Turkish Airlines back home to Nuremberg via Istenbul. A special thank you goes to our two guides Joseph and Elli!! We had a lot of fun with the two of them during the 16 days, they brought us safely and reliably across Uganda and brought us much closer to the wildlife, nature and culture through their knowledge. In addition, Sedrick the boss of Ngoni Safaris who planned this unique tour for us as well as all the staff of the hotels and lodges, we were warmly welcomed and entertained everywhere, we will definitely travel to this great country again!!
Freely adapted from Hemingway:
„If I´ve ever seen Magic, it was in Africa“

Expert-level insights, delivered in an upbeat, fun way.

Expertly planned. Charming guide. Clear communication. Saw 4 of the Big 5 in 4 hours. Ngoni Safari is the company to use. Eddy was our guide, and we couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Eddy was upbeat, insightful, informative, and seemed to know every other park ranger and tour guide we came across. Eddy is the best. Our group of 5 loved the accommodations Ngoni Safari put together for us in Murchinson Falls Park, staying at Tilenga Safari Lodge, for our 3-day Safari (2 days in the park, and 1 travel day round trip to Entebbe). I recommend you make the best tour decision for you, and go with Eddy at Ngoni. It was overall great value for the money.

Unique experience with NGONI that you will always remember

Steven was our tour guide, he is an amazing person with full of life, knowledge and always positive despite the difficult journey. Steven filled us with a lot of interesting information about Uganda, wild life, many other things. We have done safari before but this one with Steven was the best and unique.
Ngoni is number 1 safari tour company in Uganda and there is absolutely many reasons for that.
Sedrick the owner was very quick with his responses, Ngoni is a true professional company and top quality employees. We meet other Ngoni tour guides along the way and they were all very friendly like all people in Uganda.
We definitely recommend you to come to Uganda and have this unique experience.
And last, dont forget to tip your tour guide, this means a lot to them.
Akif & Angeliki

A trip of a lifetime

After initial good contact with Sedrick back in 2020, but cancellation due to Covid, we have decided to do our honeymoon with Ngoni Safaris this June. We opted for a 12 days Gorilla, Chimps, Big 5 and nature sighting Safari and what can we say, this trip was incredible. We trusted Sedrick and his team in arranging this trip for us and selecting and booking the accommodations and permits for us. Contact prior to the trip was mainly through WhatsApp, with updates and further info provided upon request.

After all, everything went very smooth and this trip exceeded our expectations (first time travelling in East Africa). With the Gorilla trekking being the main reason to come to Uganda, we can now conclude that every day was a highlight. Our guide, driver and new friend Eddy was one of the main reasons for this. Eddy has a lot of knowledge about the country, the culture, national parks and the animals, and was very happy to share his knowledge with us. He knows every speed bump in this country, is an excellent spotter of animals and overall, a very friendly, social and caring person.

During this trip we visited Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Murchison Falls NP, Kibale NP for Chimp Trekking, Queen Elisabeth NP, Bwindi NP for Gorilla Trekking, Lake Bunyonyi and Lake Mburo NP for a walking safari.

The selected accommodations were great with very attentive staff. At two occasions, a candlelight dinner had been arranged for us which was lovely. Buffalo Safari Lodge in Queen Elizabeth NP was the most spectacular accommodation with elephants coming very close to the cottages and the pool area in their search for water and food.

A few short-notice changes were made to our itinerary, but all were made in our best interest.

We can 100 % recommend Ngoni Safaris and travelling with Eddy. Hope to see you again very soon!

Perfect. Delivered 101% of what was promised. No complains at all. Charles is a great driver/guide.

Anyone who has been following us on social media or the blog for a long time already knows that we always do everything completely independently, on our own, and we hate guided activities. We only use guide services when it is prohibited to do the program without a guide. But, sometimes, we study a certain destination and end up concluding that buying the 'package' is a better cost-benefit than making the trip on our own - it was like that in Tanzania, for example, and in Uganda/Rwanda it was also like that like this. So we hired @ngonisafaris to organize our trip through Uganda and Rwanda and Sedrick, owner of the agency, chose guide/driver Charles to go with us. I'll tell you all the details of this trip on the blog later, but I want to note here that Charles was simply PERFECT! We have no complaints about him, on the contrary, only praise! The guy is quiet, gave us space and, at the same time, did EVERYTHING for us, gave us great tips, gave us all the important information, found lions, suggested optional tours, stopped for all the dozens of photos I asked him to take , he got permits at the last minute when we changed our minds, he bought mangoes and green banana snacks for us to try and it was never, at any point, annoying or inconvenient. To give you an idea, even my husband, whose patience is even shorter than mine, thought Charles was great, great! If one day you decide to do this trip, try to get Charles as a guide! Spending days on end stuck with the same guide can be hell if the guy is inconvenient - and we don't have enough words to praise the work of both Sedrick, owner of the agency, who delivered 101% of what he promised, and Charles 👌

As for Sedrick, it's worth saying that we asked for several changes to the original itinerary and he 'customized' the standard itinerary that the agency offered to make it exactly as we wanted (include some tours, exclude others, change some hotels, etc).

Tips: agree everything in writing, via WhatsApp or email, before making payment (we paid 50% about 2 months before the trip and the other 50% when we arrived in Kampala, directly to Sedrick) - what is included and what isn't, leave everything together. We didn't have ANY problems with this, they delivered everything that was agreed.

As for drinks: all drinks you order in restaurants will be at your expense, even if you order water. The agency provides bottled water daily in the car (and many hotels also leave water in the rooms).

Important: don't forget to always have plenty of change in the local currency for tips - they don't accept U$ bills if they're not very new - any scratch or tear is a reason to refuse U$ bills.

Safe travels, please tell Charles and Sedrick we said hello, if you get to meet one of them!

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  • This tour is offered by NGONI Safaris Uganda, not SafariBookings.
  • This operator reserves the right to change rates advertised on SafariBookings.
  • If you request changes to this tour, the advertised rates will likely change.
  • The exact order, contents and rates of this tour are subject to availability.
  • If an accommodation is fully booked, the operator will suggest a comparable alternative.
  • Gorilla tracking permits are subject to availability.