We quote prices for an entire trip. For full details of what is included, an itinerary will be sent to you.

We require a 50% deposit on a trip's full value at least 42 hours after having accepted the itinerary.

For bookings made within 3 weeks before the starting date of the trip, the full amount of the trip is required. Cancellation by the traveler within the same period will incur a 10% cancellation fee.

Cancellation of a trip within 30 days before departure date, incurs a 10% cancellation fee. However, cancellations done by the Tour Operator (Nqaba Township And Safari Tours) for any reason, are fully refundable to the traveler.

Kindly note that all payments are done through Paypal and Payoneer. However, should the traveler wish to make a Bank Transfer, this will also be allowed.


  • All corporate and/or tour info is provided by Nqaba Township and Safari Tour, not SafariBookings
  • The tours offered by Nqaba Township and Safari Tour are subject to their terms & conditions