Embark on an extraordinary safari adventure through the vast landscapes of Namibia, centered around the iconic Etosha National Park. Your journey not only promises encounters with the captivating wildlife of the region but also offers unique cultural experiences, including visits to the Himba village and interactions with the indigenous San Bushmen. Venture beyond the savannah to the heart of Himba culture.
Tour Features
Mid-range tour
This mid-range tour uses lodges.
Shared tour
On this shared tour, you will join a group of other travelers. Max 6 people per vehicle.
Cannot be customized
The contents of this tour cannot be changed.
Suitable for single travelers
Single travelers can join this group tour, but it requires a minimum of 2 people to run.
Minimum age of 6 years
The minimum age for this tour is 6 years.
Activities & Transportation
Accommodation & Meals
Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour can be arranged for an extra cost
1-2Day 1: Lunch & Dinner Included
Day 2: All Meals Included
3-4All Meals Included
5All Meals Included
6Opuwo Country Lodge Mid-range lodge outside KaokolandBreakfast & Dinner Included
7End of tour
(No accommodation)Breakfast & Lunch Included