​Overview – Mountain Zebra NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many guidebooks to African destinations, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip is the author of many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip is author of ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Mountain Zebra National Park is the best place to see the endangered endemic Cape mountain zebra. Sightings are guaranteed on a day visit. The game drive circuit takes you through stunning mountain scenery with several viewpoints. Black rhino, lion, buffalo and cheetah are also present, but sightings are hit-and-miss.

Best Time To Go October to March (Warmer)
High Season Never (The park gets very few visitors)
Size 290km² / 112mi²
Altitude 1,087-1,828m / 3,566-5,997ft

Pros & Cons

  • Sanctuary for the endangered and endemic mountain zebra
  • Beautiful scenery
  • Cheetah tracking and guided walks
  • Off-the-beaten-track with few visitors
  • Malaria-free
  • Small game-drive circuit

Mountain Zebra NP Safari Reviews

  • Wildlife
  • Scenery
  • Bush Vibe
  • Birding
  • Wildlife
  • Scenery
  • Bush Vibe
  • Birding


The main attraction is the ±1,000 Cape mountain zebras, easily spotted in the open grassland. Other animals usually encountered include typical Karoo ungulates such as red hartebeest, black wildebeest, eland and springbok. Black rhino, lion and buffalo have been reintroduced. Cheetah tracking by car and on foot is offered as a guided activity, but generally the park is not about spotting predators or the Big Five.


The surrounding Bankberg Mountains are a magnificent backdrop to the park. The circuit takes in several viewpoints overlooking the rugged landscape of mountains, grassy plains, bushy hillsides and rocky gorges, bisected by the densely wooded banks of the Wilgerboom River.

Weather & Climate

Mountain Zebra is a cold place during winter (May to September), particularly at the park’s higher altitudes. The mercury really slumps in June and July, when sub-zero temperatures are not uncommon. Summer (October to April) is a time of warmer weather and rain, although showers rather than downpours are the norm.

Best Time To Visit

The park’s namesake animals can be observed year-round, so weather may become the deciding factor in the timing of a visit. In that sense, although it may seem a strange recommendation – the Wet season (October to April) – is your best bet. You’ll be nice and warm at this time of year, the rain is pretty minimal, and this is also when zebra foals emerge.

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Mountain Zebra NP Safari Reviews

  • Wildlife
  • Scenery
  • Bush Vibe
  • Birding
  • Wildlife
  • Scenery
  • Bush Vibe
  • Birding
Most Helpful Expert Review
Ariadne van Zandbergen  –  
South Africa ZA

Ariadne is a renowned African wildlife photographer whose work is featured in many well-known guidebooks and magazines.

One of the last retreats for the endangered Mountain zebra

This small but scenic park, tucked away in a remote corner of the Karoo, is great to see some of South Africa’s endemics. Most notable is the Cape Mountain zebra, which was saved from extinction with the proclamation of Mountain Zebra...

Full Review

Latest User Review
Marilyn  –  
South Africa ZA
Reviewed: Sep 25, 2021
A very nice smaller reserve and easy to travel around in one or two days at a leisurely pace

Very beautiful karoo scenery and especially when seeing those beautiful boulders gleaming in the setting sunset. A fair amount of animals and lovely to see the zebras. Upholstery in chalets needs to be cleaned. Some of the...

Full Review