Company Profile

Welcome to KING MUFASA EXPEDITIONS, where the spirit of adventure flourishes and dreams take flight! King Mufasa Expedition is more than simply a tourist enterprise; it's a portal to Tanzania's marvels.

Our quest began with Davis, a devoted accountant with a thirst for adventure. With his ideas fueled, he took a risk and founded KING MUFASA EXPEDITIONS, a company devoted to creating remarkable adventures for fellow travelers. Our purpose is to inspire and enable visitors to embrace their adventurous spirit, discover new horizons, and relish the enchantment of each location.

We at King Mufasa Expeditions believe that travel should be both enriching and transformational. That is why we diligently tailor every component of our itineraries to ensure that you immerse yourself in the spirit of each destination, from its beautiful scenery to its lively cultures.

Our seasoned travel consultants are dedicated to creating custom adventures that are suited to your specific tastes and interests. KING MUFASA EXPEDITIONS has a palette of experiences waiting for you, whether you are looking for awe-inspiring wildlife encounters, cultural immersions, or adrenaline-pumping activities.

Join us on a thrilling trip through Tanzania, where every step opens up a new universe of possibilities. Let us experience the excitement of travel together and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Discover your wide world of opportunities within Tanzania with KING MUFASA EXPEDITIONS.


  • All corporate and/or tour info is provided by King Mufasa Expeditions, not SafariBookings
  • The tours offered by King Mufasa Expeditions are subject to their terms & conditions