5 Fascinating Facts About Cape Porcupine

5 Fascinating Facts About Cape Porcupine

Cape porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) grows up to a metre long and 20kg in weight, this is the world’s largest porcupine and by far the largest rodent in Africa. These dimensions, however, are not as impressive as the sight of the animal itself...
5 Fascinating Facts About Gemsbok (Oryx Gazella)

5 Fascinating Facts About Gemsbok (Oryx Gazella)

This powerful, handsome animal – a southern race of East Africa’s oryx – is synonymous with the Kalahari, and a herd of gemsbok cresting a red sand dune is one of the region’s iconic wildlife spectacles. Behind the impressive...
10 Unusual Species Sightings on Safari

10 Unusual Species Sightings on Safari

When I say ‘unusual’ I mean that each species is in itself an interesting animal with unusual characteristics – worthy of your attention. I do not mean it is unusual to see them on safari – more like uncommon...
5 Fascinating Facts About Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae)

5 Fascinating Facts About Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae)

These unmistakable waterbirds seem ludicrously proportioned, especially when flying overhead, dangling their long legs and neck. Two species occur in southern Africa: the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is the larger...
5 Interesting Facts About the African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus)

5 Interesting Facts About the African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus)

A wild dog sighting is a highlight of any safari. Yet this endangered carnivore was once classified as vermin, reviled for its supposedly ‘cruelty’, and shot on sight by farmers and game wardens alike...
10 Sounds to Listen for on Safari

10 Sounds to Listen for on Safari

When you go on safari you could be forgiven for thinking that it was all about what animals you will see…but it’s much more than this…there are the landscapes, the smells…and also, the sounds.
Top 10 Best Places To Locate Cheetah on Safari

Top 10 Best Places To Locate Cheetah on Safari

If asked, most people would list leopard as the most elusive of the big cats to locate on safari, but in truth, cheetah might be even more difficult – if for no other reason than they are nowhere common (with very few exceptions) whilst leopards, in fact, are extremely...
10 Best Places To See Wild Dog on Safari

10 Best Places To See Wild Dog on Safari

The African wild dog (or painted dog) needs extensive areas in which to roam, and combined with their susceptibility to a raft of diseases including canine distemper and rabies (transmitted by domestic dogs), they are found only in a limited number of safari destinations.
5 Fascinating Facts About the African Fish Eagle

5 Fascinating Facts About the African Fish Eagle

You needn’t be a serious birder to recognise the yodelling yelp of this striking raptor. Often described as the sound of Africa, the sound evokes lazy rivers and palm-fringed lakeshores, often in duet with the grunting of hippos. And the bird itself, in its black, white and chestnut finery, is equally unmistakable.
5 Fascinating Facts About the Ground Hornbill

5 Fascinating Facts About the Ground Hornbill

As big and black as turkeys, wielding bills like hatchets, these charismatic birds cut an unmistakable dash as they strut around the bush in small family parties. There are two similar species: the southern ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) is much the more widespread and better known; the Abyssinian ground hornbill (Bucorvus abyssinicus) occurs only north of the Equator.

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