​Safety & Security – Madagascar

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Insight guide to Madagascar.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Philip is the author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

In our opinion, Madagascar is generally safe to visit, and tour operators will only take you to safe destinations. Around 300,000 tourists visit Madagascar every year, and the vast majority of visits are trouble-free. That said, several governments have advised against traveling to some areas, and many roads outside cities are not considered safe for travel after dark. As with many countries, there is some crime in the cities, but most problems can be avoided by following basic safety precautions. Please see the government travel advisory links below for more information.

Below are tips on staying safe in Madagascar.

Staying Safe on Wildlife Viewing Activities

There are no dangerous animals in Madagascar. Most wildlife viewing is done on foot, so sturdy walking shoes and protective clothing are essential. A walking stick can come in handy as well. All parks and reserves are very safe, as long as you follow your guide’s instructions. For additional tips:

Staying Safe in Cities & Towns

Most cities in the world have some crime and urban areas in Madagascar are no exception. Most issues are minor, such as petty theft and pickpocketing, and you are very unlikely to encounter any trouble on guided activities. When heading out in cities and towns alone, you should follow a few simple safety precautions: seek advice from your hotel before taking a walk; don’t wear jewelry or other valuables; only take the money you need with you; and always catch a taxi after dark. For more safety tips that apply to African cities in general:

Other Tips on Staying Safe

Please read the pages below regarding malaria and vaccination information for Madagascar and general travel safety precautions.

Governments' Travel Advice

Please use the links below for governments’ travel advice on Madagascar.

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