​Birds – Lake Mburo NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Bradt guidebooks to African destinations, including the guide to Uganda.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Bradt guidebooks to African destinations, including the guide to Uganda.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Bradt guidebook to Uganda.

Philip is the author of the Bradt guidebook to Uganda.

More than 310 bird species have been recorded in Lake Mburo National Park. This park is the best place in Uganda for acacia-dwelling birds. Forest species are also present in Rubanga Forest. A bonus for birders are the swamps, in which six papyrus specials are resident, including the spectacular papyrus gonolek and the blue-headed coucal. Southern species at the northern limit of their range include the black-collared barbet and bare-faced go-away bird. Migratory birds are present from November to April.

Notable Birds in Lake Mburo NP
African wattled lapwing
Bare-faced go-away bird
Black-bellied bustard
Greater painted-snipe
Saddle-billed stork

Birding Rating

Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

(NE) near-endemic = also lives in neighboring countries

Facts & Figures

Birds in Lake Mburo NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

The birdlife in Lake Mburo is good year-round. June and July have the least rain, while March and April have the most rain. The heavy rains might result in delays due to impassable roads and slippery hiking trails. These can limit your bird-watching time. Migratory birds are around from November to April.

Want To Visit Lake Mburo NP?

307 Lake Mburo Safaris

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Lake Mburo NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr