​Expert Reviews – Ruaha NP

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Philip Briggs   –  
South Africa ZA
Visited: Dry season

Philip is an acclaimed travel writer and author of many guidebooks, including the Bradt guides to Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and South Africa.

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The Connoisseur’s Choice
Overall rating

Many seasoned East African safari-goers regard Ruaha to be the most rewarding of all East African game reserves, and while I’d rate it slightly below the Serengeti for overall game viewing, it is certainly one of the region’s very finest reserves, especially for those who place a higher premium on wilderness vibe than on wall-to-wall wildlife. Ruaha is also the second-largest national park in Tanzania (after Nyerere), a 20,226km2/7,809mi2 tract of rugged and remote semi-arid bush whose wild quality is embodied by the spectral baobab trees that stud the boulder-strewn slopes.

Ruaha is no slouch when it comes to game viewing either. Indeed, it is one of the few African parks where I’ve seen all three of Africa’s large cats – leopard, lion and cheetah – on most visits to date, though the latter has become significantly more scarce in recent years. Ruaha is also one of the best places to look for African wild dog. They are less common than they used to be in the developed part of the park, possibly due to competition with lions, but are often quite easy to locate in the denning season of June and July.

With the ivory poaching of a few years back now said to be under control, large elephant herds are a plentiful feature of the Ruaha landscape and they are usually very relaxed around vehicles. An unusually high antelope diversity includes Grant's gazelle and lesser kudu at the southern extent of their range, as well as the miombo-associated sable and roan antelope. The spectacular greater kudu is clearly thriving in Ruaha; we saw more of these handsome antelope on our 2022 visit than we had on all our previous safaris combined.

The birding is a treat, with 570-odd species recorded, notably central Tanzanian endemics such as ashy starling and black-collared lovebird. Ruaha is also the type locality for the recently described and rather localised Tanzania red-billed hornbill (which is very common here) and Ruaha chat (which needs to be actively sought out).

Kim Wildman   –  
Australia AU
Visited: June

Kim is a travel writer who authored and updated over 15 guidebooks, including Lonely Planet's South Africa and Bradt's Tanzania guides.

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Into the Wild
Overall rating

If you want a safari experience away from the crowds, Ruaha National Park is the place to head to. In spite of being Tanzania’s second-largest national park after Nyerere, it still remains one of the country’s wildest and most undeveloped game reserves, which is exactly what I find most appealing about it. When you consider the park is home to more than 12,000 elephants, as well as large populations of buffalo, zebra, giraffe, lions, kudu and antelope, it’s easy to see why those in the know consider it to be one of Tanzania’s best-kept secrets.

While we easily spotted numerous giraffe, zebra, kudu, impala and elephant, we struggled to spy any lions in spite of the fact that the park supports a very healthy lion population. When we finally happened across two lone males, our driver managed to scare them off before we’d even raised our cameras. He also managed to irritate a very large bull elephant by barrelling through the middle of its herd. In all my years of game viewing, I’ve never actually seen a riled-up elephant charge at full speed before, nor seen a driver that scared. Word to the wise: make sure you hire an expert safari driver if you’re taking your own vehicle.

Brian Jackman   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: September

Brian is an award winning travel writer, author of safari books and regular contributor to magazines such as BBC Wildlife and Travel Africa.

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The Park that Time Forgot
Overall rating

As your plane drops in towards Msembe airstrip the view from the air says it all. You see a line of broken hills, zebras stampeding across a yellow plain, and a mighty sand river bordered by flat-topped acacias with giraffes beyond, measuring the yawning distance of a park even bigger than the Serengeti. There is nothing gentle about the Ruaha. This is the real thing, the old, wild Africa of long ago. Its plains are littered with granite boulders. The combretum thickets are alive with kudu, and wherever you look there are grotesque baobabs and hurrying herds of elephants. The more you follow its ochre game trails through the smouldering purple hills the more it grabs you.

What’s more, this is serious lion country. When I stayed with Chris Fox in 2008 he knew of 185 lions within 20 miles of his camp on the Mwagusi Sand River. I saw some of them, including an awesome coalition of five nomadic males hell-bent on taking over the local pride. Much of the park is a tsetse-infested wilderness of impenetrable miombo woodland; but the north around Mwagusi and where the great Ruaha Sand River lies is much more open and accessible, with a good chance of finding leopard, cheetah - even wild dogs.

Mary Fitzpatrick   –  
United States US
Visited: Multiple times

Mary is an acclaimed travel writer and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including South Africa, Tanzania, East Africa and Africa.

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Elephants & Baobabs
Overall rating

Ruaha is notable both for its unique wilderness scenery – rugged, arid vistas punctuated by massive baobabs and backed by purple-hued hills – and for its great variety of wildlife, which includes a mix of East and southern African species.

The peak months for visiting are July through October, when wildlife spotting is highly rewarding. Ruaha is particularly known for its large numbers of elephants. Other draws are wild dogs (although these can be elusive – I have yet to spot any here), buffaloes, and both roan and sable antelopes. The Great Ruaha River, with its rocky outcrops, slumbering hippos, lazy crocodiles and wealth of birds, is wonderful.

Ruaha is easily accessed by road from the gateway town of Iringa, or by flight, and its rehabilitated bandas and riverside camping are a treat for budget travellers. Wildlife can be difficult to spot off-season (particularly March through May), so it’s worth trying to plan your visit for the drier months.

Lizzie Williams   –  
South Africa ZA
Visited: Multiple times

Lizzie is a reputed guidebook writer and author of the Footprint guides to South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

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Good variety of wildlife in formidable landscapes
Overall rating

With vast concentrations of buffalo, elephant and plains game and healthy populations of the big cats, I’ve always had interesting and varied game-viewing in Ruaha. In fact, as soon as you enter the park at the Ibuguziwa Gate (where you first cross the Ruaha River) and drive the short distance to the flat savannah around Msembe (airstrip and park headquarters), there are fantastic first sightings of animals and birds; always a good indication of what’s in store. It was at Msembe that I once parked the vehicle to watch several matriarch-led elephant herds travelling across the yellow-grass plains in almost every direction. The Ruaha River is the main feature of the park, good for excellent hippo and crocodile watching from the riverside lodges, but another attractive feature is the Mwagusi and Mdonya sand rivers. These are startlingly white in the dry season when kudu, giraffe, impala and zebra kick up the sand in thousands of hoof-prints, while they swell with fresh, clear water during and after the rainy seasons, creating splashes of green in the otherwise dry and brittle environment. My other Ruaha highlight is the tremendous landscapes. Given that most of the park is on the top of a 900m plateau, the ripples of broken hills and small mountains make a wonderful frame for the river valleys, miombo woodlands and open grassland.

Ariadne van Zandbergen   –  
South Africa ZA
Visited: Multiple times

Ariadne is a renowned African wildlife photographer whose work is featured in many well-known guidebooks and magazines.

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Diversity in Ruaha National Park
Overall rating

I love Ruaha National Park. It feels wild and untrammeled and yet, wildlife viewing is superb. Animal densities are perhaps a bit lower than in Serengeti National Park, but with less temptation to drive from one thing to the next, quality sightings are the norm. The arid landscape, punctuated by dry riverbeds, boulder-strewn hills, rocky cliffs and massive baobab trees, provides a dramatic environment for game drives.

Large elephant herds gather in the riverbeds to dig for water. When the giants have moved on, baboons and other opportunistic animals use these holes to quench their thirst as well. Ruaha is known for its large lion prides. On our last visit we spent a lot of time with a pride counting more than 25, including two sets of small- and medium-sized cubs. To feed so many tummies, the lions must hunt regularly, and you might be lucky to see some action. Leopards are often seen on the rocky cliffs where they feed on hyrax. But I couldn’t believe my luck when we found one of these agile cats lazing on a branch of a baobab tree. It certainly made for an iconic image. Big cats aside, the most highly prized predator in Ruaha is the African wild dog. Denning season (June to August) is the best time to look for them.

There is no other park in Tanzania that offers such an extensive variety in antelope, including some of the most impressive species. Greater kudu is so common here, we became blasé about seeing them. Lesser kudu is notoriously skittish, but we saw several darting off in the bush as well. If you know where to look, you should find roan and sable antelope too. It takes some dedication to track down the latter though, as they tend to stick to tsetse-fly-infested mopane woodland areas.

Gemma Pitcher   –  
Australia AU
Visited: Multiple times

Gemma authored several Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the guides to Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa.

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A southern wilderness well worth the trek
Overall rating

I love Tanzania’s southern circuit – less tourists than the north and so many excellent camps and lodges. The Ruaha National Park is up there with the Selous amongst my favourites, and I reckon the two parks combined make an excellent option if you’ve got the time and the money and have already been to the north, or just fancy getting further off the beaten track. The landscape of Ruaha is spectacular, with tumbling boulders, hot springs and giant baobab trees, and best of all, you’ll have it almost all to yourself.

At the park’s heart is the well-named Great Ruaha River, a massive watercourse that dwindles to only a few pools in the dry season, but bursts its banks and roars over boulders at the height of the rains. In dry season, most of the camps along the river organize walks and even dinners in the dry river bed – I love to go out in the morning and try to identify all the different footprints left overnight in the soft sand.
Because it’s so far south, Ruaha represents a transition zone where eastern and southern species of flora and fauna overlap – lesser and greater kudu co-exist with northern species such as Grant’s gazelle. Rare sable and roan antelope are also here in abundance, so I managed to tick off a few new species on my list on my first visit there.

Sue Watt   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: December

Sue is an award-winning writer who specializes in African travel and conservation. She writes for national newspapers, magazines, Rough Guides and Lonely Planet.

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Wild, remote Ruaha – the land of lions
Overall rating

Ruaha is the star of Tanzania’s lesser-known Southern Circuit. Not only is it wild and remote, it’s home to East Africa’s highest population of elephants and 10% of the entire continent’s lions, with some 28 lion prides roaming its plains.

Don’t be surprised if your guide gets out a tablet at a lion sighting and starts filling in data – many of them are helping the remarkable NGO Ruaha Carnivore Project (RCP) to gather information on the predators. We spent a couple of days with RCP, learning about the fabulous work they’ve been doing with the local Barabaig and Maasai people to reduce traditional rituals involving lion killings and also to limit the number of cattle killed by lions. They occasionally come to lodges to give talks to visitors about their work in lion conservation – do join them if you get the chance.

There are few lodges in Ruaha and those that are here are relatively expensive, but the real luxury is the bush solitude – we rarely encountered other visitors on our drives and walks. The scenery is spectacular, with masses of baobab forests and ilala palms, rolling hills and sand rivers, and the Great Ruaha River and escarpment of the same name which dominate the park. While wildlife can play hard-to-get in the wet season, in December when we visited, we saw plenty including zebras, antelopes, giraffes, greater kudus, wildebeest, black-backed jackals, spotted hyenas and leopards – and of course, lions – all on one drive.

Mike Unwin   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: August

Mike is an award-winning wildlife writer, former editor of Travel Zambia magazine and author of the Bradt Guide to Southern African Wildlife.

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Ruaha National Park
Overall rating

Visitors are often surprised to learn that Ruaha is bigger than the Serengeti. At more than 20,000km2/7,700mi2, this is Tanzania’s second-largest national park (after Nyerere) and one of those safari destinations that tends to attract the ‘best-kept secret’ epithet. It’s true that for such a vast area, Ruaha is surprisingly undeveloped, with only a handful of permanent camps and few other vehicles to crowd your game drives. This makes any safari here a joy, because the wildlife is extremely rich.

Ecologically, Ruaha spans a transition zone between eastern and southern Africa. Its habitats comprise a tapestry of thorn bush, open savanna, rocky kopjes and wooded hills, all studded with the park’s signature baobabs. The winding Jongomero and Great Ruaha Rivers define the southern and eastern boundaries. Across this wilderness roams Tanzania’s largest population of elephants (around 15,000), plus plentiful buffalo, giraffe, zebra and numerous hippos in the permanent rivers. Impala are abundant. The park is at the southern limit for some East African antelope, such as Grant’s gazelle and lesser kudu – the latter alongside greater kudu in a rare overlap. Sable and roan occur in the Jongomera area to the south

Ruaha is renowned for large predators, notably its large lion prides and frequently sighted leopards. Both cheetah and wild dog also occur in small numbers, spotted hyena are numerous and striped hyena is another East Africa species that just ventures this far south (though is seldom seen). Birders can seek out more than 500 species with, again, an interesting overlap of the eastern and southern African. Variety peaks during the rains (November to April), with such unusual migrants as sooty and Eleonora’s falcon. The endemic Tanzania red-billed hornbill is common.

My recent visit took place during the dry season, based at a small camp beside the Mwagusi River. We enjoyed excellent lion and leopard encounters, while every afternoon saw impressive elephant herds wander down to dig for fresh water in the drying riverbeds. A night drive produced white-tailed mongoose, bat-eared fox and lesser bush baby. On a guided bush walk, we spied shy eland, found bats roosting inside a baobab, saw an African hawk eagle capture a francolin and watched wild dogs hunting across the Ruaha River floodplain far below us. Guided walks are available from many camps if booked in advance. Best of all was simply the wilderness ambience of starlit nights around the fire in the sandy riverbed in front of camp, listening to the owls and picking up the torchlit eyeshine of passing hyenas and jackals. For the serious wilderness-lover, fly-camping safaris and walking trails can be booked in the park’s remote southern district. This would certainly be my aim on a return visit.

Harriet Nimmo   –  
South Africa ZA
Visited: June

Harriet is a zoologist with more than 20 years’ experience. She has the privilege of working with the world’s top wildlife photographers and photo-guides.

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Baobabs & Elephants
Overall rating

Ruaha National Park is part of the southern safari circuit in Tanzania, and some safari itineraries combine Ruaha with Nyerere (formerly Selous). Although it is Tanzania’s second-largest park, it is little visited, due to its remoteness, and so you get a real sense of wilderness staying here. It is stunningly beautiful, with the Ruaha River meandering through, speckled with hippos and crocs. My abiding memory is the huge baobabs, dwarfing the herds of elephants. We failed to see lions despite other travellers’ tales of the big prides they’d seen. Ruaha has fantastic birding, with some real specials, such as the black-collared lovebird, Eleonora’s falcon and the localised Tanzanian red-billed hornbill. The best time to go is July to September during the dry season.

Average Expert Rating

  • 4.4/5
  • Wildlife
  • Scenery
  • Bush Vibe
  • Birding

Rating Breakdown

  • 5 star 4
  • 4 star 6
  • 3 star 0
  • 2 star 0
  • 1 star 0
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